digital arrest this is how you can escape from it your earnings will be saved know the details

digital arrest this is how you can escape from it your earnings will be saved know the details

Digital Arrest: For some time now, you must have been hearing a word quite a lot, digital arrest. Many incidents of digital arrest have come to light in different states of India. Where people have been digitally arrested and robbed of crores of rupees. A doctor from Uttar Pradesh was digitally arrested and 2.7 crore rupees were robbed. Whereas in Karnataka, 2.21 crore rupees were taken from a retired officer through digital arrest.

So in Delhi, a woman was duped of 2 lakh rupees in 6 hours. What is this digital arrest? How do thugs loot crores of rupees from people? How can your savings be saved? Let us tell you some methods.

What is a digital arrest?

Digital arrest is actually a term. In this, the person committing cyber fraud imprisons a person in his own house by threatening to arrest him. In this, cyber frauds make a video call to you. And make the background around them exactly like a police station. Or like the office of any government investigation agency. Seeing which the person in front gets scared. And falls for the words of these frauds. After this, these cyber frauds start scamming you.

The most important thing in this is that the fraud does not let the other person go anywhere during the entire video call. And neither does he allow anyone to call or message. Then he is misled by saying that his Aadhaar card or bank account or SIM card is being used illegally. Or he says that someone close to you is trapped in some crime and he starts extorting money from you for bail.

These methods can help avoid this

If someone ever gives you such information through a video call. If your phone number, Aadhaar card or any other thing is being used illegally, do not believe it. Or if someone tells you that your son, daughter, husband, wife or any relative of yours is trapped in some case, do not believe it either. Unless they call you from their number and tell you all this.

And if you feel that someone is trying to commit fraud with you, then you can register your complaint by calling 1930 National Cyber ​​Helpline number. Along with this, you can also register your complaint by tagging @cyberdost on social media platform X. You can also register a complaint at the nearest cyber police station.

take this precaution

Actually these cyber frauds use your information against you. That is why never give any of your personal information or bank account details or any other information to anyone on an unknown call. Do not click on any message received through an unknown source.

Never open that link. Never download any third party app on your phone or laptop etc. So put a strong security password on your banking apps and financial transaction account apps.

Also read: If you want to secure your daughter’s future, then start investing in this scheme from today itself

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